Enrolment to Inclusion Services

Entry Requirements:
Courses are open to anyone and there are no specific entry requirements.

To secure a place on one of these courses, the enrolment process is as follows:
1. Complete and submit the online enrolment form below.
2. In order for a student to guarantee their place, they will also need to pay 25% of the fee as a deposit once we contact you after your enrolment submission. (or in the case of Non EU students, the full course fee).
3. Students will then need to pay 50% of the outstanding balance a month after the deposit payment.
4. The final course fee balance is due six weeks prior to the start of the course.

Note: Non-EU students will require a Student Visitor Visa to study on one of our courses.

How To Pay
1. Phoning the admissions team on: Tel: 020 8938 3559 and paying by debit or credit card.
2. Payment can also be made by bank transfer.
3. Students can also pay by cheque sending this to: The Media & film Academy, Unit 9 Watts Mews, Conyers Road, SW16 6AA.

Students are asked to include their name, address and the course they are enrolling on with their cheque.



Nationality Country of Residence Passport Number

Mailing Address (For Course Material)
Post Code
Email Address

Briefly summarise your reasons for doing the course and any relevant experience you might already have.